Erklärt: Wie Stablecoins (wert-)stabil bleiben


Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2021 05:55

Erklärt: Wie Stablecoins (wert-)stabil bleiben

Can a stablecoin make Ethereum scalable?

Crypto-backed stablecoin Free TON aspires to provide a layer-two solution for Ethereum’s scalability problems.

With overloaded Ethereum increasingly choked by slow transaction speeds and widely overinflated gas prices, the Free TON stablecoin will be a “true layer-two solution with immense upside,” TON Labs added. “The application of Free TON’s second layer solution does much to remedy these problems. With the stablecoin, super cheap microtransactions can now be made and in a fraction of the time it would take on the original blockchain.”

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